How to get unstuck – top 10 list

“”City of Dreams/ Drømmenes by” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm 1200 kr.

“”City of Dreams/ Drømmenes by” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 24 x 30 cm 1200 kr.

I know I have some work to do. We all do. Mostly work about being human. It´s quite a job, right? And I know that right now that involves fuelling my dreams. Why do I know I need that? It´s very simple: I don´t feel uplifted and inspired like I know I can. I feel stuck in a state I don´t enjoy being in. When I think about times to come and what is to happen I don´t FEEL that bubbling anticipation. And from that, a state doubt can creep in, and in the end that can lead to more permanent states depression and all kind of other states that are not very uplifting. So, I know it is time to pour some fuel on my own soul.

But HOW???

The thing is, I know how. It´s really simple. But it takes actions. And from the state of clueless uninspiredness the last thing that seems tempting is to move into action, especially if it looks anyting like WORK.

So, I better find some soothing actions that can get me moving, so I can feel my own willingness again. And I do know plenty of wonderful ways to do that:



1. move the body. Dance, run, do pilates. I mostly don´t do long sweaty sessions, just a small run or dance or a 20 mins pilates does it for me.

2. Make a Creative Quickie, you can read about what that is and how to do it HERE  and some more inspiration HERE

3. Write freely and non-stop for 20 mins, giving voice to ANYTHING from mondane thougts about shopping to deep worries

4. Clean. Truly, I kind of hate cleaning. But really, setting the clock for 20 mins and cleaning just a small part of the house creates some of that needed feeling of flow and accomplishment

5. Talk to a friend. I learned over the years that this doesn´t always have be my most trusted friend, and sometimes we may even feel so lonely we don´t feel we have a trusted friend. This talk can be with any friendly person willing to listen for a while.

6. Go for a walk. Preferably in nature, if possible. But most important to just leave the house and walk.

7. Sing. I take my guitar, and simply begin playing and singing any tune. Often it turns into a 20 mins session. It helps me breathe deep and invites what ever feeling is hiding to come out. Sometimes even a song like this appears!

8. Help someone else. This can be really simple, like seeing a need and offering to help your neighbor with shopping or giving someone a lift. This shifts the focus and makes me feel a bit better about myself.

9. Take a bath. For some reason the mix of lying in hot water and BE without reading or watching or talking relaxes me so I can enter a state of BEING rather than DOING. From that state, I am more receptive from any kind of helping influence from my inner world or from someone else. Of course I lit candle lights next to the bath, and sometimes I add a fragrance with oil or salt to please the senses even more.

10. Ask for help. Sometimes it takes more to get us unstuck. And we need to ask for help. Asking for help can be hard when you feel stuck, but remember that EVERY person on this planet feels stuck and lonely sometimes. And by admitting it and asking for help we actually help others to find the permission to do the same. Ask the first person you can think of, book a session with a coach or a therapist. If you can´t get to any of those things from your current state, pray. Pray to whatever or whomever you believe in. To God, your Guadian angel, the Universe, Spirit or your own Inner true voice. Whatever feels right to you, just pray! That sends out a signal that you are open to receive help, and that is a start. I am convinced that there is something in this universe that can´t resist helping when we ask with a true voice and are ready to receive whatever comes back without judgement.

And a PS:  I wrote most of this a few days ago, when I felt really stuck. In the mean time, I found the space to do nr. 1, 3, 4, 8 and 10. And I feel much better now, even a bit inspired. It works. I know it works to get moving with good soothing uplifting actions. And we need to remind ourselves and each other of this, often. Because that stuckness will happen again, at some level, as long as we live.

Oh, and PPS: A tip for writing your own list: it´s best to do it when you are feeling well. From that state you will be able to write a wonderful list that you then have ready for when you feel stuck. From the state of stuckness we often don´t feel like doing anything. Then we need the wisdom from our own state of well-bing, to know what to do and then simply begin doing it.

Take care, Love from Lise.



Thank you summer


Above: Rune, me, Vincent and Celeste. Celebrating our new trampoline one late summer evening, toasting in white wine and pear cider.

I want to take a moment to savor the moments of this summer. For me, this has been a full, busy one (a bit too much work to be honest) with so many learnings packed in almost every single day. Both in my business life and personal life. But it has also been an incredible warm summer, generous on sun and outdoor experiences, calling us to simply enjoy:


Celeste and Vincent (in the middle) and some good friends at the local market, enjoying some gigantic caramels – oh bliss!


Caramel heaven!!!


Found some time to create some smaller pieces which for me is a holiday in itself – I love that part of my job soooo much!!!

""Sail on/ Sejl videre" Acrylic and paper on canvas, 20 x 20 cm -(Sold)

“”Sail on/ Sejl videre” Acrylic and paper on canvas, 20 x 20 cm -(Sold)


A visit to Runes birth country, Holland, so fun to see my postcards in this beautiful shop in Groningen, thanks to our dear dutch friend Janita for making that happen!!!


Another Groningen shop filled with magic  colors and lamps


Happy to meet this fairytale house in the middle of nowhere just outside Lisse, Holland


Our dear friends, Paul and Janita. Janita and I met via facebook a while back and totally clicked without knowing that “our men” Paul and Rune were friends for many years already, in real life. Such a funny world we live in!


Our house got some much needed finishing touches this summer, like paint on the facade, and a house number brought home from Holland.  Especially Rune worked hard to make it come together. I love how it all turned out.


Tuesday markets in the charming town Stege, here in Denmark. Fun, but a LOT of work too. 5 tuesdays I did this, with a lot of help from Liza and Rupert who together own Lizas Gallery in Stege.


Cups!!! Yes, I finally gave in for an urge I had for a long time to create some cups with the “Coffee and flowers” image. They sold really fast, but will appear in my etsy shop as soon as I ordered more.


Me, Liza


Aaaah!!! Here I come! (Vincent)


A real barefoot summer…


Thank you, fresh fruit and sunshine!


And thank you, moments of understanding whilst writing morningpages in the sun


Finally, I found some time to make a creative day for the children. So worth the time investment. They really shine during creative processes.


Celeste in the foreground and her friend Alma.


Pink Pavillion created by Celeste, 11 yrs.

Thank you summer, and please stay a little while, I´d love another coffee or 10 with you in the Pink Pavillion of sunshine and vitamins!

We never know beforehand

Circus of BalanceScan

“Circus of Balance”, available as A4 poster right here in my shop

We never know beforehand. Not fully. We have to walk the path, often feeling partly blindfolded or dimmed in our vision. Like driving through the night, only able to see as far as the frontlights are able to light up the darkness. And still we somehow get there. That is, if we “get up, get in the car and drive”. Sitting at home wondering how to drive in the dark won´t do it.

When I created this image it was for an international competition. I felt way out of my comfort zone and actually scared, but I dove in and really gave it my very best. I even went to have the painting scanned professionally and payed a graphic designer to create the file in the right dimensions. I often refrain from any kind of competition because I am afraid that I won´t be able to handle if I loose!

Well, I didn´t win and I was not selected as one of the top 50 either. There were more than 2000 entries from all over the world, but still I could feel my heart drop: “how will I ever get there” “There” meaning learning how to get into a market I don´t know much about, learning how to make a business from my passion, learning how to earn money from what I create so that I can keep creating.

I am still learning, and often frightened too. However, this image went on to become the all times bestseller amongst my creations so far. Whenever a shop places an order, they will give a number of their wanted cards and images in different sizes, and very often they add: and could you give us 10 extra of this image in all your sizes please, it is selling so fast!

What I am saying is: I could not see, it felt utterly uncomfortable, I still gave it my best – then I felt like a looser, and my heart dropped. But found my way forward with what was important: to keep driving/creating from my passion. And then this image found it´s very own way of being of use and joy in this world, slowly but steadily finding it´s own place and usage.

I am very thankful for that experience, the whole of it!

Walking with Grace

“The more graceful you are able to walk, the more grace will be thrown on your path”

I found this sentence today that I had dotted down on a piece of paper weeks ago. It was followed by these words: “Joy in every single step”.

“Jump into Joy/Hop ind I glæden” 30x40 cm/11,8 x 15,7 in – 2800 kr./ 525 $

“Jump into Joy/Hop ind I glæden” 30×40 cm/11,8 x 15,7 in – 2800 kr./ 525 $

The funny thing is, I kind of think I wrote those words, that they came to me during my morning pages. But it was written a while ago I am not completely sure any more. Anyone recognize it? When I google it, all that comes up is advice on high heel walking!!! That wasn´t quite what I had in mind…. But that doesn´t matter, the words ring true to me and help me remember the importance of every single one of my steps today…..and every day. And that is what matters. A good reminder for me today. Most days actually.

To me, walking with Grace means walking through life with the intention to stay aware and bring more light into this place. In whatever way that is possible. And I don´t mean that in any high-flying or quick fix way at all. I see it as a very real life challenge, where what counts most is the small adjustments in attitude. Every day, in every possible step. Some days it may mean accepting my boundaries. Or giving up on things I firmly believed I had to do. And other days it means daring to go out there in the world and do my best to let my light shine, even if it makes me nervous or doubtful at first.  A beautiful challenge. I love this part of human life: That we are able to create something uplifting or healing by our small continuous acts of joy and awareness.

Sometimes we need other people to remind us of the importance of all those little things we do to lift human life and bring more light here. So, here´s a little note from me to you: Thank you, whoever you are, for whatever act you are able to put into this world today that will bring more light and joy and make you bounce with grace in your steps.

Xx Lise.


Would you like some Inspiration?

Pot of Inspiration

 Image: “Pot of Inspiration”  ON SALE right now. 20 % off everything in my webshop until coming sunday!!!

I write my morningpages most days. Some days it helps me be with the parts of me I would otherwise push under the carpet because it didn´t at first seem tempting to examine the feeling of fear, restlessness or sadness. Truth: they always hold a hidden gem, and morningpages is one way to uncover that. Other days it gives me a place and time to jump verbally with joy or count my blessings. In both cases, it´s like quietly stirring my inner pot of inspiration. It really is. I can almost feel the bubbles rising.

In my experience, Inspiration comes to visit when we make ourselves attractive to it. And, to Inspiration, attractive does not mean a perfect or always happy person. I find that what Inspiration seems to find most attractive is something I will call “Movement toward Joy”. When we dare to move – even with the smallest of steps – in the direction of our passion and joy and does so again and again, that´s when Inspiration decides to jump our train.


(Me, writing morningpages – yes, lefthanded!)

And “plop”, you have an idea that seemed to come from out of the blue. Or you suddenly SEE the solution of a certain problem. Or perhaps you just know that you have to begin taking that dancing class, for no seemingly logical reason. And when you do, even more inspiration begins to flow, which leads you in the direction of a more passionate and fulfilling life.

For me, writing morning pages (more about morningpages HERE) is the greatest help for inviting Inspiration as a daily companion. It keeps my inner pot brewing keeping up the temperature of my life passion without making me burn out. I highly recommend this tool, created and introduced by the blessed creativity coach, Julia Cameron.

I don´t think of it as luxury to live a life nourished by Inspiration. I think of it as a respectful and most fitting way of administering this marvelous life we have been given. May Inspiration quietly and steadily be bubbling in our lives every day. Perhaps hidden under the surface and not very feelable to ourselves on testing days. But all the time nourished by our quiet steadily Movement toward Joy!

Dancing with life

“Dancing with Joy”, also part of the 20 % SALE this week!


To a dear serving soul

Sharing a moment

(Sharing a moment: paper, acrylics and lace, available as print)

Of course I love you!

PAPER, you are the kindest, inspiring and very flexible friend. A true servant at heart and at the same time you have a way of glowing and owning your own beauty whether you are dressed up in fancy patterns, or worn and turned yellow from age. You are a beautiful soul in so many ways, connected to the planet through the growing trees you came from. Yes, I love you!


Here are some glimpses that tell the story of the two of us and why I fell in love….


Morning after morning you supported me when I wrote my morning pages and drank my coffee. Patiently you held my thoughts without judgement, good, bad, boring or bursting with inspiration. For that I am utterly grateful.

Coffee and flowers

(Coffee and flowers are also important, signed prints here)

When I re-found my courage to create art from the heart you played a big role. You offered so many great starts on the canvas with your wonderful patterns and colors. Your beauty gave me a kickstart, and off we went together. And that has been the biggest joy.

“Circus of Balance/ Cirkus balance", mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40 cm. 2.900 kr.

(Circus of Balance, prints here)

And now we have entered a new level of connection: we are in business together!!!


Cards, prints, posters and calendars are created from you in thousands of copies.  I appreciate the production partnership with you so much, it is a truly exiting journey!


(Wall Calender 2014, now sold out, but we´ll make a new one next year, you and I….)

But don´t think for a moment that that makes me take you for granted.  Still, what I love the most, is sitting down just you and me, watching and feeling your beautiful structure with my hands whilst creating something new. You are a true creative servant.

Thank you

(Above: card from Paperchase, arrived from a dear friend in my mailbox one day)

Dear gentle, faithful Paper, thank you so much for being part of my life!

Love from Lise.


Visit some of the other amazing Paperlove Bloghop participants:

Majo Bautista / Tona Bell Louise Best Cathy Bluteau / Jennifer Bomgardner / Giova Brusa / Lindsay Buck / Beka Buckley / Joanna Caskie / Jonathan Chapman (Mr Yen) / Halle Cisco / Sarah Clare / Cathryn Clarge / Dawn Clarkson / Rhiannon Connelly Jenny D’Fuego / Molly Dhiman / Ian Dudley / Ayisatu Emore / Akmal Farid / Monika Forsberg / Claire Fritz-Domeney / Louise Gale / Chrissy Gaskell / Julie Hamilton / Emma Hawman / Rachel Hazell / Holly Helgeson / Claudine Hellmuth / Kim Henkel / Sarah Hoffman / Joanne Hus / Paula Joerling / Beth Kempton / Julie Kirk / Eos Koch / Katie LaClair / Kristy Lankford / Michelle Manolov / Doreen Marts Rosie Martinez-Dekker / Tori Mears / Maria Mederios / Lise Meijer / Debbie Miller / MaryJane Mitchell / Suzy Naidoo / Grace Noel / Hannah Nunn / Camilla Olsson / Jo Packham / Rachelle Panagarry / Monette Pangan / Melanie Paul Nicole Piar / Jen Pitta / Liz Plummer Julie Reed / Michelle Reynolds / Lisa Rivas Angee Robertson / Natalie Ryan / Aisling Ryan / Elisabet Sapena / Kyrrha Sevco / Jamie Sprague / Elizabeth Steele / Terri Stephens / Juniper Stokes / Mary Tanana / Maike Thoma / Linda Tieu Gabrielle Treanor / Tammy Tutterow / Deborah Velasquez / Jordan Vinograd Kim / Cat Whipple / Brooke Witt / Katie Wood Amelia Woodbridge


 The PaperLove Blog Hop is a celebration of all things paper! Follow the links to discover more bloggers who love paper and use it to inspire and delight. And if you want to explore a whole world of paper, and stretch your paper passion further with a host of creative projects, why not join the innovative new online course PaperLove (starts March 31). Led by book artist Rachel Hazell, PaperLove is a five week creative adventure for paper lovers. Find out more here.

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